Virtual device Player - build error


I’m traying to create a VD player for my application. I have followed this guide from the forum
but i’m getting this error while building the project.

* Problem Report:

The application.main.class is not set.

* Recommendation...

Run easyant with -verbose or -debug option to get more details.

Total time: 16 seconds

This is confusing me, as the guide tells to replace this prop with another one.

In your player project, open the module.ivy file and replace <ea:property name="application.main.class" value="com.microej.example.Main"/> by this property <ea:property name="virtual.device.sim.only" value="SET"/>

Do you have any clue on that ?



Which SDK version are you using ?
This howto has been tested on MicroEJ SDK 4.1.x. Are you using latest SDK 5.1.1 ?

I’m using the latest Studio version 19.05

Hi @jcole,

The how-to have been updated, thank you for your feedback.
