Dear MicroEJ,
I am currently facing an issue with a thread prioritization with the simulated execution engine.
My need is the following : I need to lower the priority of a custom Timer ( from 5 to 4 ).
After the schedule method from the TimerTask class is executed ( within the thread with priority 4), the run method is never executed.
From what I noticed using the thread stack traces, the thread is always in the state WAITING.
More interresting, when I quit the simulator, in my log console I saw that the run method of the corresponding TimerTask is finally executed.
Precisely :
- Simulator is launched :
The method schedule is executed…
>>> ServiceLoaderFactory.getServiceLoader().getService(AssistTimer.class).schedule(this.savingTimer, delay, period);
- The run method is NEVER called after the specified delay…
- I quit the simulator on my computer and then got the following line on my console,
meaning that the run method is finally executed… :
ConfigurationManager.saveConfigurationInMemory(…).new TimerTask() {…}.run()
The behaviour on point 2 is not the same when the priority is set to 5 : the run function of the TimerTask is correctly executed after the delay.
Even more interresting : when I execute the same program on the target device, the run method is correctly launched with my thread’s priority set to 4… So the behaviour between both environment seems to be different
Is there a Thread on the simulator that does not exist in the embedded application, with an higher priority than the one I set to my Timer that prevents this one from being executed ? It could explain why the run method is finally executed after the simulator is shut down …