I’m currently working on the MicroEJ on a new VEE Port using IAR compiler.
I retrieved validation testsuite runners with the VEEPortQualificationTools repository:
When I try to run the FS testsuite to validate the implementation, the testsuite engine does not go to the next by itself as soon as it’s finishied. The test timeout occurs with a Failed message even if the test succeed
[testsuite:javaTestsuite] [traceAnalyzer:socketTraceAnalyzer]
[testsuite:javaTestsuite] [traceAnalyzer:socketTraceAnalyzer] com.microej.fs.tests.TestFilePermission PASSED
[testsuite:javaTestsuite] [traceAnalyzer:socketTraceAnalyzer]
[testsuite:javaTestsuite] [traceAnalyzer:socketTraceAnalyzer] VM END (exit code = 0)
[testsuite:javaTestsuite] [traceAnalyzer:socketTraceAnalyzer]
[testsuite:javaTestsuite] [exec] INFO: Stream automatically closed on success after 5s.
[testsuite:javaTestsuite] [traceAnalyzer:socketTraceAnalyzer] INFO: End of trace analyzer, state is Success
Consequently, all testsuites fail even if the result on the UART output is good and take ages to be completed due to the systematic timeout.
Do you know what can be the reason that prevent the testsuite engine to detect the end of tests?