Hi guys I need help, I’m trying to use the PQT project but there is something implicit or that I missed that is blocking me. I don’t understand where and how I should perform the CORE configuration steps for example. I tried to add all the files into the Platform-STMicroelectronics-STM32F7508-DK/stm32f7508_freertos-bsp/projects/coremark folder but I got stuck in steps 3, 4 and 5:
Step 3: some files already exist in the STM32F7508-DK board project;
Step 4: I think I understand from the documentation in the code, but it’s still not clear enough;
Step 5: I have no idea which file(s) we are talking about.
Step 3: The platform can already provide a coremark implementation meaning some files may already exist.
Step 4: what is not clear to you? what is to be implemented and how? Here you have to implement some RAM accesses to ensure the access of different types of differently aligned RAM, implement some RAM accesses to measure RAM speed and call the entry point of the coremark tests.
Step 5: We are talking here about adding the main of the core tests (https://github.com/MicroEJ/PlatformQualificationTools/blob/master/tests/core/c/inc/t_core_main.h) to the usual C main found in our platforms in order to run them: MicroEJ Core Engine — MicroEJ Documentation
It’s clearer now. About step 3, It’s done. About step 4, I implemented the methods returning NULL or 0 (I think this shouldn’t be a problem for now?). About step 5, I still don’t know which file I should "add the call to the function T_CORE_main() just before the call to microej_main()".
I was looking for this ÌNTERATIONS variable and I found some similar declarations on /stm32f7508_freertos-bsp/projects/coremark/EWARM/coremark.ewp:230 & 1303 and /stm32f7508_freertos-bsp/projects/coremark/SW4STM32/.cproject:46 & 146. Maybe these files aren’t been used during the pipeline. I think I did something wrong haha
Do you have a .hex file (the binary firmware, result of the whole compilation)? Can you test flashing it with STM32CubeProgrammer? Here you have an issue where you downloaded the firmware but you loose the probe connection afterwards. Do you have an application starting on-board if you reset the board manually through the reset button?
Did you use the external loader? On this board we are using the external flash so you need to be able to program it so with STM32CubeProgrammer you need to select this external loader before flashing:
Could you also provide logs of what is happening on the board? Is the VM starting?
To get back your logs you must use the UART available via mini USB port on CN14 and connect a serial terminal with the following configuration: baudrate 115200, data bits 8, stop bits 1, parity none.
About the logs, I think there’s no logs. The board is connected to COM3, I opened the UART using minicom via WSL2 in /dev/ttyS3 with this setup: 115200 8N1 | NOR | Minicom 2.7.1 | VT102 | Offline | ttyS3. No luck
Thanks for helping me solve the problem. Actually it wasn’t a problem anymore, it was my fault. I’m going to describe here some tips to help others who have the same problem I had:
About post 6, as I wasn’t seeing output, we solved this using Termite (from CompuPhase);
The other mistake was using the wrong .hex, it is always worth checking the modification date and also the subfolders. In my case the .hex was in the Debug folder.