Platform Source for STM32F7508-DK v1.3.2

Hi all.

We recently updated the sources for platforms supporting the STM32F7508-DK Evaluation board for STMicroelectronics [1]. You can find the sources below hosted on our GitHub pages:

In this latest version v1.3.2, we changed the following:

  • Fix platform type (MonoSandbox by default).
  • Fix documentation of the FS properties.
  • Enable printf for floats in STM32CubeIDE project.

Platforms use a STM32Cube BSP as their basis thanks to the STM32CubeIDE [2]. Next, you can play with the foundation libraries examples available on our Github repository [3].

Happy Coding!
The MicroEJ team

[1] STM32F7508-DK - Discovery kit with STM32F750N8 MCU - STMicroelectronics
[2] STM32CubeIDE - Integrated Development Environment for STM32 - STMicroelectronics
[3] GitHub - MicroEJ/Example-Standalone-Foundation-Libraries: This project gathers all the basic examples of the foundation libraries.