Platform Qualification Tools v2.4.0

Hello MicroEJ Developers,

We are proud to unveil a new important milestone for developers working on a MicroEJ VEE implementation, the Platform Qualification Tools v2.4.0. The Platform Qualification Tools (PQT) allow to run automated test suites on MicroEJ platforms to ensure that the Virtual Execution Environment and its libraries are correctly integrated.

This new version is compatible with a wide array of platforms and improve the use of your preferred third party toolchain.

But that is not all, we also improve our documentation so that qualifying your platform is easier than ever:

You can find a more extensive changelog regarding the tool itself below.

Good testing!
The MicroEJ Team

2.4.0 – 2021-04-16


  • Documentation for testing build and run scripts.


  • Platform Configuration Additions 1.2.0
  • cd into the script’s directory in CDT scripts because CDT needs to be called from the directory in which the project is.
  • Use CDT variable CUBE_PROGRAMMER_DIR absolute path instead of relative so the user can choose another Cube Programmer installation than the one installed in CDT.
  • Replace CDT cleanBuild by build as the clean is not needed and it forces to rebuild the whole project.
  • Improve comments on how to use set_project_env.bat.tpl for Keil uVision.


  • IAREW run script compliance (copy of the local application.out).
  • Keil uVision run script compliance (copy of the local application.out).
  • Documentation of target.platform.dir to setup the Test Suite FS.
  • CORE Test Suite updated to 3.0.2