Hi again MicroEJ team,
In the FAQ ([Debugging] Most methods implementations consist of “throw new RuntimeException()” statement) I see that most libraries come with NO source code.
Do you plan to release the source code in order to help debug ?
Best Regards
Hi again John,
Most of the foundation libraries (the core runtime) do not have public sources [1]. However the add-on ones have [2]. We also tend to deliver the sources of the foundation libraries to our partners for debugging.
Hope it’ll help.
[1] https://developer.microej.com/javadoc/microej_4.1/foundation/index.html
[2] https://developer.microej.com/javadoc/microej_4.1/addons/index.html
Dear Mister Harel,
Does MicroEJ plan to deliver the source for foundation libraries too ? From your link [https://developer.microej.com/javadoc/microej_4.1/foundation/index.html] I assume that most of the source comes from OpenJDK source code, using the [GNU classpath exception] that enables modifications and distributions of the source code (therefore there is little gain to keep the source secret) ?
If you plan to open source the foundation libraries, do you have a roadmap due date ?
Looking forward reading you
Best Regards
Hi John,
There is no legal issue with the source delivery of MicroEJ Libraries.
As previously explained in this post, Add-On Libraries are already delivered with the full source code and the legal licence (e.g. https://repository.microej.com/artifacts/ej/library/eclasspath/collections/1.2.0/)
For Foundation Libraries, here is what is currently planned for MicroEJ 4.2:
- Foundation Libraries APIs will still be delivered with empty skeletons, as they have a dedicated life-cycle.
- Foundation Libraries Implementations will be rebuilt to embed the sources in MicroEJ 4.2 Architectures.
- In MicroEJ SDK, when debugging an application, the sources provided by the Platform will be displayed in place of API empty skeletons.
Thanks a lot for your detailed answer. I am transmitting to my colleagues such a very good news of having ALL MicroEJ libraries being distributed in Open Source soon.
Looking forward to using MicroEJ VEE on our next generation of wearable soon.
Hi Frederic,
I came across this old post, where it is mentioned that the so called “Foundation Libraries” will have their sources in MicroEJ v4.2 and above. I just loaded MicroEJ 5.1.0, did the update to 5.1.2.
Do you confirm the source of the foundation libraries are now visible and accessible from the SDK?
If yes, can you let me know how to see them.
Thanks for your time and support.
Great Job
Best Regards
Hi @JohnGardyne,
Yes, you can follow this process:
1/ Copy the path of your VEE platform. It easily is accessible :
Windows->Preferences->MicroEJ->..select VEE platform (virtual device)...-> ...once the popup has shown... press F2->...copy the patch:
As an example, if you have loaded the MicroEJ VEE from the Getting Started web page, you shall see something like:
2/ In your project, unfold the Ivy folder. It has a little icon that materializes a pile of books.
3/ Right-click on the foundation library you want to browse the source
4/ Select Properties -> Java source attachment
5/Select the External Location option, then browse to [platform path]/javaLibs/[foundation library]-[version].jar
[platform path] is the path your have copied at stage 1/
6/ Apply and close
You are all set.