Install pluggins from EclipseMarket Place in SDK


I am a long time user of Eclipse and I had the (maybe bad) habit of adding some specific eclipse pluggins from the Eclipse Market Place (mainly Eclipse Color Theme + some pluggins to easy file navigation)

As MicroEJ SDK is based on Eclipse platform, I assume that most of my regular pluggins are compatible with it, but I don’t see the regular Help->Eclipse MarketPlace menu selection to install them.

I also tried to drag and drop the Install button from but this also does not work.

Could you recommand a way to install these type of pluggins or how to enable the connection to the Eclipse MarketPlace?

Thanks for your help,


Hello Anton,

The Marketplace Client plugin is not installed by default in the Studio/SDK Distributions. You can install it:

  • Go to Help > Install New Software... > Manage...
  • Click on the Add... button
  • Fill a Name, for example Eclipse, and set the location to
  • Click on Add, then Apply and Close
  • In the list select All Available Software, then select Marketplace Client in the category General Purpose Tools
  • Click Next twice, accept the license then click Finish

After the restart the menu Eclipse Marketplace should be available.

The Eclipse Color Theme plugin seems to not be available anymore for the Eclipse version used by the latest Studio/SDK distributions (2020-06).

Hope this helps.


Hi Thomas,

I tried your solution and it works perfectly . I can now install whatever pluggin from the marketplace.

Thanks for your help.
