I’m trying to implement a simple HTTPServer (hoka) application on the ESP32 WROVER hardware running the BLACK multi-application image. I took an existing base project/application (com.microej.example.iot.ssl.rest.headless) cleared it down and simply included some hoka application code (from Example-Hoka-master, SimpleExample) and the necessary ivy dependencies to stop any complaints.
When using the simulator my application runs and the (local) HTTP server is connectable and pages are served. However when the application is deployed to hardware, the application crashes during execution with a stack trace (test app trace is below).
The target platform is the same in both instances (VDE-BLACK-ESP32WROVER-RQQAW) and and I am only using an EVAL license (ESP32 GCC PSRAM EVAL.) I have been able to successfully build and deploy com.microej.example.wifi.setup.web as a single-application firmware image, and see a device based HTTPServer, but I want to develop multi-application HTTPServer.
- Is there an obvious (but not to me!) issue with what I’m trying to do?
- Is there any MicroEJ advice or instruction on debugging the ESP32 over the USB (to JTAG) interface?
- Is there a MicroEJ support/contact account through which I could discuss licensing costs?
Stack trace:
https example INFO: =========== server.start ===========
Exception in thread “ej.wadapps.app.default” java.lang.IllegalAccessError: KF:E=S1
at javax.net.ServerSocketFactory.@M:0x3f49f780:0x3f49f7ae@
at ej.hoka.tcp.TCPServer.@F:ae8ae60573010000d37548f1e20224d0b875cb968936fb41:0x3fa4d2b0@@M:0x3fa50bd0:0x3fa50be6@
at ej.hoka.http.HTTPServer.@F:ae8ae60573010000d37548f1e20224d0b875cb968936fb41:0x3fa4d2b0@@M:0x3fa51148:0x3fa51162@
at ej.hoka.http.HTTPServer.@F:ae8ae60573010000d37548f1e20224d0b875cb968936fb41:0x3fa4d2b0@@M:0x3fa51c3c:0x3fa51c66@
at com.microej.test.Test.@F:ae8ae60573010000d37548f1e20224d0b875cb968936fb41:0x3fa4d2b0@@M:0x3fa52a1c:0x3fa52a7c@
at com.microej.test.TestBG.@F:ae8ae60573010000d37548f1e20224d0b875cb968936fb41:0x3fa4d2b0@@M:0x3fa540b0:0x3fa540c2@
at Exception in thread “ej.wadapps.app.default” java/lang/IllegalAccessError: KF:E=S1