Failed to clone 'easyant-build-component'

Hi guys,

Using the CI-Bundle, I’ve just started to get an error stating that the easyant-build-component is failing to build. Everything was working until recently.

11:06:15 hudson.plugins.git.GitException: Command “git.exe submodule update --init --recursive easyant-build-component” returned status code 1:

stderr: Cloning into ‘C:/Users/…’…

11:06:15 fatal: unable to access ‘https://gitlab.cross/Infra/I0048_EasyAnt-Build-Component.git/’: Could not resolve host: gitlab.cross

11:06:15 fatal: clone of ‘https://gitlab.cross/Infra/I0048_EasyAnt-Build-Component.git’ into submodule path ‘C:/Users/…/easyant-build-component’ failed

Any idea as to why the host could not be resolved?



Hi @makin,

It seems that your git repository has a submodule that link to EasyAnt-Build-Component, this submodule is an internal module we use it to get build/fetch configurations. Locally EasyAnt-Build-Component is used to configure ivy to fetch using a shared repository.

You should have the source of EasyAnt-Build-Component in the build CI bundle. However, I don’t think you need it. Which git repository are you using ?


You are correct, it was a submodule in our repository. We’ve removed it and everything functions as normal.

Thanks so much!