Error com.is2t.schedcontrol.ScheduleContext not found (class is referenced by the class ej/kf/Module)


I’m trying to follow the example showing the Kernel Feature execution context from in

I have added KF dependency and the KF kernel api dependency to my kernel code as the following.

<dependency org="ej.api" name="kf" rev="1.5.1"/>
<dependency org="com.microej.kernelapi" name="kf" rev="2.0.3" conf="kernelapi->default"/>

And i’m trying to call Kernel.getContextOwner().getName() from my app but I’m getting the following error:

=============== [ Initialization Stage ] ===============
=============== [ Converting fonts ] ===============
=============== [ Converting images ] ===============
=============== [ Launching SOAR ] ===============
	[M51] - Class com.is2t.schedcontrol.ScheduleContext not found (class is referenced by the class ej/kf/Module).

Soar image generation aborted.

Am I missing something ?


This error typically occurs when you are trying to load ej.kf.Kernel classes in a Feature context.

The reason is that ej.kf.Kernel APIs are not allowed to be called by a Feature. These APIs can only be called in the Kernel Application, as described in section 4.1 Type References of the specification:


However you should get a proper error message, I will create an internal issue.
