I tried to found a VDE supporting last microui and drawing versions but I failed. Is there an existing one or a way to create it?
Hi David,
You can find the latest publicly available MicroEJ UI Technologies at:
This tutorial uses an embedded platform (v1.2.0) for the STM32F7508-DK board. This version of the platform (1.2.0) includes the MicroUI library v3.0.1 due to the use of the UI pack 13.0.2.
Assuming the use of GCC you can use the latest UI pack compatible (v13.0.3) with the STM32F7508-DK platform but it contains MicroUI v3.0.2.
MicroUI 3.0.3 is not publicly available yet.
Best Regards,
Hi Gaetan,
I am just looking for a VDE file. MicroUI 3.0.2 is acceptable but it is not present on the repo so my project cannot compile : Index of /artifacts/ej/api/microui
How can I transform Index of /architectures/com/microej/architecture/CM7/CM7hardfp_GCC48/flopi7G26-ui-pack/13.0.3 into a VDE with GCC ?
Hi @Otomotive,
As a follow-up to our discussion, MicroUI 3.0.3 is now publicly available.
We do not provide a VD compatible with this library but you can use the latest STM32F7508-DK from the developer website that do support this library.
Gaëtan for MicroEJ