I’m trying out the pre-built Multi-Sandbox VEE Port for the STM32F7508-DK Discovery Kit. (STM32F7508-DK Discovery Kit - Multi Sandbox - Get Started)
When running the Android connectivity example, it works fine on the simulator, but on the actual STM32F7508-DK it always fails to load the ConnectionManager service. I’ve tried other examples, always with the same result.
Why is it so different from the simulator running the same settings? What am I missing here?
public void start()
ConnectivityManager connectivityManager = ServiceFactory.getService(ConnectivityManager.class);
if (connectivityManager != null)
LOGGER.info("all good"); //$NON-NLS-1$
} else
LOGGER.severe("No connectivity manager found."); //$NON-NLS-1$
MCU revision identifier: 0x1001
MCU device identifier: 0x449
watchdog started
kernel INFO: Kernel startup
kernel INFO: Initializing custom Security Manager
kernel INFO: Registering mandatory services
kernel INFO: Registering featureStateListener
kernel INFO: Loading and installing features from the storage (FS)
kernel INFO: State update: MyFeature (v0.1.0) has changed from state UNKNOWN to INSTALLED
kernel INFO: Starting NTP and CommandServer
kernel INFO: Start the ntp client
kernel INFO: Use the connectivity manager
kernel INFO: Start the admin server
remotecommandserver INFO: Server listening on port 4000
kernel INFO: State update: MyFeature (v0.1.0) has changed from state INSTALLED to STARTED
kernel INFO: Granted permission 'ej.service.ServicePermission' with action 'SystemPropertiesServiceLoader:ej.service.ServiceLoader' for feature 'MyFeature'
kernel INFO: Granted permission 'ej.service.ServicePermission' with action 'SystemPropertiesServiceLoader:ej.service.ServiceRegistry' for feature 'MyFeature'
kernel INFO: Granted permission 'ej.service.ServicePermission' with action 'ServiceRegistryKF:android.net.ConnectivityManager' for feature 'MyFeature'
kernel INFO: Granted permission 'ej.service.ServicePermission' with action 'SharedServiceRegistryKF:android.net.ConnectivityManager' for feature 'MyFeature'
kernel INFO: Granted permission 'ej.service.ServicePermission' with action 'SharedServiceRegistryKF:android.net.ConnectivityManager' for feature 'MyFeature'
kernel INFO: Granted permission 'ej.service.ServicePermission' with action 'SystemPropertiesServiceLoader:android.net.ConnectivityManager' for feature 'MyFeature'
kernel INFO: Granted permission 'ej.service.ServicePermission' with action 'ServiceLoaderKF:android.net.ConnectivityManager' for feature 'MyFeature'
kernel INFO: Granted permission 'ej.service.ServicePermission' with action 'ServiceRegistryKF:android.net.ConnectivityManager' for feature 'MyFeature'
kernel INFO: Granted permission 'ej.service.ServicePermission' with action 'SharedServiceRegistryKF:android.net.ConnectivityManager' for feature 'MyFeature'
kernel INFO: Granted permission 'ej.service.ServicePermission' with action 'SharedServiceRegistryKF:android.net.ConnectivityManager' for feature 'MyFeature'
android connectivity example SEVERE: No connectivity manager found.
[INFO] DHCP started
[INFO] DHCP address assigned:
kernel INFO: Available Network interfaces:
kernel INFO: -
kernel INFO: Scheduled update time task
kernel INFO: Updated time: Sun Jan 28 10:56:33 GMT 2024
kernel INFO: Stopped retry task