Build Platform failed (/ESP32WROVER--GNUv52_xtensa-esp32)


I think a bad configuration occured because I think I have delete some files by mistake:
CDT build console , on bsp compilation shows :

xtensa-esp32-elf-gcc: error: …/…/…/.microej/GNUv52_xtensa-esp32-psram/application/microejapp.o: No such file or directory

/home//.microej/workspaces/MicroEJ-SDK-19.05/ESP32WROVER–GNUv52_xtensa-esp32-psram-bsp/Drivers/esp-idf/make/ recipe for target ‘/home//.microej/workspaces/MicroEJ-SDK-19.05/ESP32WROVER-GNUv52_xtensa-esp32-psram-bsp/Projects/microej/build/microej.elf’ failed
make: *** [/home//.microej/workspaces/MicroEJ-SDK-19.05/ESP32WROVER–GNUv52_xtensa-esp32-psram-bsp/Projects/microej/build/microej.elf] Error 1

I am not sure how to rebuilt this object file : is it when building plateform ?
because, now plateform building fail on UI version…

Then, trying to build platform again, it fails
J/MicroEJ-SDK-19.05/rcp/configuration/org.eclipse.osgi/467/0/.cp/resources/microejgenerator/MicroEJGenerator.xml:46: The following error occurred while executing this line:
/.microej/repositories/MicroEJ-SDK-19.05/1.6/pe001/build/fragments/frontpanel/build/autoConfiguration.xml:32: You can’t select module ‘Front Panel’ because the UI pack 11.2.0 is installed on this architecture. Install UI pack 12.+ instead.

If you can give me the missing tips, menawhile , I try and find some information in documents
Thanks for you support

Hi Gilles,

The microejapp.o binary is the Java application generated in an ELF object to be linked with the rest of the platform and BSP. It is indeed removed when building the platform again. You just need to relaunch the Run Configuration that generated the MicroEJ application to get it back.

For the second issue you need to install a UI pack 12.+ corresponding to the architecture you selected so here the ESP32 wrover, you can find it here:

Hope it’ll help.
Gaëtan for MicroEJ

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