Jenkins Build Failed - Artifact Checker

Hi guys,

We are trying to build our foundation library using the CI Bundle we received from you using Jenkins and Artifactory. The build is failing because artifact-checker can not validate the LICENSE.txt file. This is the output we are seeing.

08:47:59 artifact-checker:check-current-module:
08:47:59 [script] 2019-05-24 [INFO ] [] New artifact checker instantiated
08:48:00 [script] 2019-05-24 [INFO ] [
] Checking ep.api#foundation;0.1.0
08:48:00 [script] 2019-05-24 [INFO ] [>] Lazy loading of artifact checkers
08:48:00 [script] 2019-05-24 [INFO ] [-] Found checker addonconf, skip it
08:48:00 [script] 2019-05-24 [INFO ] [+] Found checker changelog, add it
08:48:00 [script] 2019-05-24 [INFO ] [-] Found checker fundationconf, skip it
08:48:00 [script] 2019-05-24 [INFO ] [+] Found checker license, add it
08:48:00 [script] 2019-05-24 [INFO ] [-] Found checker publicconf, skip it
08:48:00 [script] 2019-05-24 [INFO ] [+] Found checker readme, add it
08:48:00 [script] 2019-05-24 [INFO ] [-] Found checker retrieve, skip it
08:48:00 [script] 2019-05-24 [ERROR] [x] [license] ep.api#foundation;0.1.0: License content does not match any authorized licenses.

Our FoundationLibrary does have a dummy LICENSE.txt in the Api, Mock and Impl folders that matches the one from your HelloWorld example exactly ‘[Put your license here]’.

If you could let me know how to either skip checking the license for now or better yet, how to get it to validate a license, that would be great.



Hi ssampson,
You can skip this check by adding:
<ea:property name=“skip.license.checker” value=“true”/>

in the element of your module.ivy file.
You can remove also the LICENSE.txt file.

Thank you. I didn’t originally have a LICENSE.txt, I added it because originally it said License not Found and I noticed your example project had it.

Adding the skip.license.checker should do the trick!
